To Nurture is to care for and encourage the growth of someone or something.
Commitment to Houston
Houston is the 4th largest metropolitan city in the country so there are many needs to be met. After researching the available resources for young men in general, we were not shocked to see that there are limited places for males to go and seek help. Individuals of ethnic backgrounds in need specific encouragement and assistance are often ignored. The MSM (men who have sex with men)/SGL (same gender loving) community is another group that is often overlooked, so there is most definitely a need for the services we provide. There are organizations that specifically focus on HIV/STD prevention but there aren't any that take the initiative to build confidence, encourage leadership, assist with life skills, promote education, help with job seeking and show young men that there are people who care about their overall well-being. M.E.N. Incorporated was formed to dedicate time and service to each of these areas.The Co-Founders of M.E.N. Inc. along with Board of Directors and volunteers are driven and very passionate about providing services such as leadership training, life skills management and HIV/STD awareness to the young men in the Houston are. The Co-Founders have already taken the initiative on several occasions over the past several years; to counsel and nurture many young men who have no one else to turn to, in order to reach more people M.E.N. Incorporated was formed.
Those who identify with being MSM (men who have sex with men), SGL (same gender loving), Gay, Homosexual or Bi are often overlooked and underserved when it comes to any services other than HIV/STD services, we are determined go a little further and carry on with our holistic approach with this segment of the community as well. Our goal is for every young man to KNOW that he matters, sexuality does not define who you are it is only a component. It is important to let young men know they have a purpose in life despite what society may say. M.E.N. Inc currently host event specifically designed to tackle the issues our youth encounter such as Self-Esteem, Bullying, Identity, Fatherless MEN and so forth.
Homeless Initiative
M.E.N. Incorporated is dedicated to getting young men off the streets. More and more young men are finding themselves homeless and lost feeling they are living without purpose. We have been very active in providing resources for young men who are without a home. Although we are not a transitional living facility, we offer employment assistance, resources for short term and long term living and much more.